93 ’til Infinity

Towards the end of university, I felt a compelling need for a platform to share my thoughts and interests without clogging up everyone’s news feeds. I really wasn’t bothered whether anyone would read it, but I wanted a place to vent and express myself through creative thinking, writing and sharing content. I spent a few days putting together a website with a blog page and sporadically posted music I liked, interesting videos I had watched, alongside some posts I had written for my virtual business module at university and other topics of interest. However, as I started full time work, I forgot about this site completely.

I have decided to renew the hosting, redesign the site and want to get posting again. The writing process can be meditative, and keeping up my projects such as the ‘monthly mix’ allow me to remain structured and focused outside of work. My recent trip to the US taught me how important this is, by giving me some time to get away from the emails and the general mad rush of work. I hadn’t realised but for close to a year I’d dropped a lot of the activities that I love and lost clarity around what I do with my spare time. A big example of this being music. Forgetting that the passion I had for music has been a topic of discussion in every interview I’ve done, I’d somehow allowed myself to significantly lose interest in it because I was so consumed by work. In reality, being more focused in my time away from work on what makes me happy, will most likely make me more productive during the time that I am there.

I will make an effort to regularly update the site ongoing with a variety of content that I find interesting. This is how we chill from 93 ’til…

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