Burial Samples

Burial has been one of my favourite musicians, since hearing a few snippets from the self titled LP. These were given to me in year 10, on a CD a friend had named “Best of Dubstep” – fair to say it changed the way I viewed music as a 15 year old.

I have always been fascinated by Burial’s use of sampling and am a frequent lurker on the Reddit page dedicated to him. Recently, the users on there have been findings more and more samples that have previously not been identified. To some, this ruins the mystery, and I can understand that. However for me, it highlights just how amazing and obscure some of the sample work Burial has done over the years really is. Although some of it is still speculation, its still great to see how people have interpreted his potential use of the samples.

Some examples:

1) Street Halo

2) Stolen Dog

3) This found here

4) 0:06, 0:38, and 0:52 from here are found here

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