Field Recording of ‘The Last Summer’

As of September, I will be in full time employment and my amount of free time will be significantly reduced. I’ve been trying to think of a project to occupy my time, during what is likely to be one of the last long breaks I have! I have finally decided on purchasing a field recorder.

I am planning to record something every day between June and August/September. So far, I have trips to Malaysia and Norway booked as well as a few days out, such as Royal Ascot and an ‘Enterprise Day’ at the school my mum works at. Hopefully should get some varied stuff – some interesting, some very mundane. Maybe I will listen to it again, maybe I won’t. Maybe I will share it, or maybe I will keep it locked away in my hard drive. I am not sure of my intentions for this, but I like the idea of recording small parts of my ‘last summer’ and will decide afterwards what I do with the audio.

Update: Finished result The Last Summer by alexseward

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